03 The Brazilian Society

Soccer, samba, social communication?

The Brazilian culture is a mixture. The mixture is the Brazilian culture. Each race is taking care of its roots so it is not to be understood as a melting pot like in USA.
“We don’t have to be afraid of the mixture, it is something natural”
– Marisa Monte, TAZ 06/10/06

Wednesday, 07/03/07 at night
I heard shots and screams … really loud. So I went on my balcony … I couldn’t see anything special … bom, tcheeee … fireworks ??? … What is going on here?

In the Maracana Soccer Stadium, the biggest in Rio, Botafogo was playing. 4 million cariocas are supporting Botafogo and were celebrating when Botafogo goaled and finally became champion of Taca Rio.

deutsch Die Brasilianische Gesellschaft kann auch hier nachgelesen werden.

2 thoughts on “03 The Brazilian Society

  1. Pingback: mr.Open
  2. Buen día. Me contacto desde Argentina para hacerles saber que Ubaldo Fillol, ex arquero de la selección argentina campeona del mundo en 1978 y actual entrenador de arqueros del conjunto albiceleste, eligió en su sitio oficial http://www.ubaldofillol.com a Julio César como el mejor arquero de la última fecha de las eliminatorias. Les adjunto la nota y ojalá que les sirva. Saludos y espero seguir en contacto.

    Nota: http://www.ubaldofillol.com/notas-nota.php?id_nota=292

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