Soccer, samba, social communication?
The Brazilian culture is a mixture. The mixture is the Brazilian culture. Each race is taking care of its roots so it is not to be understood as a melting pot like in USA.
“We don’t have to be afraid of the mixture, it is something natural”
– Marisa Monte, TAZ 06/10/06
Wednesday, 07/03/07 at night
I heard shots and screams … really loud. So I went on my balcony … I couldn’t see anything special … bom, tcheeee … fireworks ??? … What is going on here?
In the Maracana Soccer Stadium, the biggest in Rio, Botafogo was playing. 4 million cariocas are supporting Botafogo and were celebrating when Botafogo goaled and finally became champion of Taca Rio.
Die Brasilianische Gesellschaft kann auch hier nachgelesen werden.
Buen día. Me contacto desde Argentina para hacerles saber que Ubaldo Fillol, ex arquero de la selección argentina campeona del mundo en 1978 y actual entrenador de arqueros del conjunto albiceleste, eligió en su sitio oficial a Julio César como el mejor arquero de la última fecha de las eliminatorias. Les adjunto la nota y ojalá que les sirva. Saludos y espero seguir en contacto.