A short and superficial overview on the HISTORY OF FILM in Brazil. As you know I made a critical remark to the Golden Bear for Tropa de Elite. I just would like to suggest some other favela-films which are worth to be watched.
Next monday you get a cast on TV Roc, the broadcasting from Rocinha.
Auf könnt Ihr das Thema Film hier nachlesen.
Topics of the Brazilian film history and films I am refering to:
I tried to find the youtube links – only the newer ones are in English. When I linked the English title than it should be in English.
Cinema Novo
= italian Neo-realism (for example: Roma Città Aperta from Bertolucci)
- ‘Rio 40 Graus‘ /Rio at 40 degrees, 1955/ and ‘Rio Zona Norte’ /Rio Northern Zone, 1957/ from Nelson Pereira dos Santos,
You may watch the whole film in Portuguese. This here is just the first sequence. The rest you can find on youtube. - Cinco vezes Favela /five times favela 1962/, a collective film
Gláuber Rocha calls it in 1965 the “aesthetic of famine”.
Cinema Marginal
- ‘Terra em Transe‘ /Gláuber Rocha, Land in Trance 1967/,
DVD out just in portuguese. -
‘Macunaíma‘ /1969 by Joaquim Pedro/,
in Portuguese and French
The scene with the swimming pool is from the Parque Lage. - ‘O homem que Virou Suco‘ /The squeezed Man, 1979 by Jaoa Batista de Andrade/
(more for TV than for cinema)
- ‘Olhar Electrônico’ /electronic view/ with ‘Garotos do Subúrbio’ /The boys from the suburbs, 1982/
- ‘Solo, the Law of Favela’ (1994),
- ‘Zezé’ – The boy, the pod-lid and the favela’ (1995),
- ‘Geraldo voador’ /Flying Gerald/(1996).
- Noticias de Uma guerra Particular /News from a private war, 1998
- Cidade de Deus /City of God 2002 by Fernando Meirelles and Katia Lund/
- Cidade dos homens /City of Men/ = Telenovela
- Uma Ondo no Ar /FavelaRadio 2003/,
- Favela Rising 2005
I found another article called ‘Slumsploitation – The Favela on Film and TV’ written by Melanie Gilligan.
You will get more information on the films:
documentary Bus 174 by José Padhila,
City of God by Fernando Meirelles and Kátia Lund,
City of Men (Telenovela),
Carandiru by Hector Babenco.
You can view it here: