
If you still remember the story of RadioFavela is subtitled Not assumable becomes consumable … becomes subsumable. The links here refer to RadioFavela’s website, where you can read the theoretical texts.

With the chapter ‘not assumable’ I tried to explain the situation in Rio (or in Megacities in general), you can listen to it again in the category RF01 – not assumable.
The middle part ‘RF02 – consumable‘ is any cultural production I had the chance to catch for you. This is definitely the most enjoyable part.

Now it becomes ‘subsumable’ which is my response to all what I have gone through here in Rio, which is a RadioProductionCentre in the carioca harbour zone. Within the next four podcasts you can follow step by step my understanding of the favela via the city to my RadioProductionCentre in a very high abstraction grade.

01_favela (172K)
The diagram above illustrates the text you will listen to. For those who get the podcast via feed I added the image as cover.
Auf deutsch könnt Ihr Favela hier nachlesen.
Next Monday it will be continued with ‘Urban Landscape ‘Megalopolis”

6 thoughts on “Favela

  1. Dj, teacher

    Tenho orgulho de ser favelado da Rocinha.
    Very nice website! Thank you for make this site.

    julakim is replying:
    claro, somos quem somos e temos nos comunicar que somos. nao tem humano melhor. eu gosto das diferencas e importante saber disso.

  2. A favela analsysis from a workshop:

    The annual report can be downloaded here:
    With the following sections
    * Cover and Foreword (5 pages, 293 KB PDF)
    * Cities Alliance in Action (29 pages, 592 KB PDF)
    * Cities Alliance Members’ Reports (33 pages, 459 KB PDF)
    * Communications and Knowledge Sharing (12 pages, 179 KB PDF)
    * Cities Alliance Organizations (5 pages, 85 KB PDF)
    * Financials (11 pages, 89 KB PDF)
    * Abbreviations and Acronyms (5 pages, 89 KB PDF)

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