If you still remember the story of RadioFavela is subtitled ‘Not assumable becomes consumable … becomes subsumable‘. The links here refer to RadioFavela’s website, where you can read the theoretical texts.
With the chapter ‘not assumable’ I tried to explain the situation in Rio (or in Megacities in general), you can listen to it again in the category RF01 – not assumable.
The middle part ‘RF02 – consumable‘ is any cultural production I had the chance to catch for you. This is definitely the most enjoyable part.
Now it becomes ‘subsumable’ which is my response to all what I have gone through here in Rio, which is a RadioProductionCentre in the carioca harbour zone. Within the next four podcasts you can follow step by step my understanding of the favela via the city to my RadioProductionCentre in a very high abstraction grade.
The diagram above illustrates the text you will listen to. For those who get the podcast via feed I added the image as cover.
Auf könnt Ihr Favela hier nachlesen.
Next Monday it will be continued with ‘Urban Landscape ‘Megalopolis”
Vicky Collins, a freelance television producer, has written an article on favela-tours who are offering tours for tourists through Rocinha. Have a read at it!
anthropologist (Latin American Studies)
A short video of the life in favelas and good background information of everyday life in favelas starting 30 years ago.
Dj, teacher
Tenho orgulho de ser favelado da Rocinha.
Very nice website! Thank you for make this site.
julakim is replying:
claro, somos quem somos e temos nos comunicar que somos. nao tem humano melhor. eu gosto das diferencas e importante saber disso.
A favela analsysis from a workshop:
The annual report can be downloaded here:
With the following sections
* Cover and Foreword (5 pages, 293 KB PDF)
* Cities Alliance in Action (29 pages, 592 KB PDF)
* Cities Alliance Members’ Reports (33 pages, 459 KB PDF)
* Communications and Knowledge Sharing (12 pages, 179 KB PDF)
* Cities Alliance Organizations (5 pages, 85 KB PDF)
* Financials (11 pages, 89 KB PDF)
* Abbreviations and Acronyms (5 pages, 89 KB PDF)
I am a tour guide and a translator / interpreter in Rio de Janeiro. I have been living in a favela for 3 years now and I cannot imagine of moving somewhere else in this city.
I would like to share a little article I wrote about favelas that gives you an idea about how it all started until the 1960s.
All the best,